Biodiesel is a renewable fuel produced from surplus agricultural products, making it a sustainable, non-toxic, ultra-low carbon, environmentally friendly fuel that supports American agriculture and farmers.
Bioheat® fuel is a blend of heating oil with biodiesel, a renewable, low carbon biodegradable fuel produced in the USA. For example, B20 is a blend of 20% biodiesel and 80% heating oil. As the blends increase over time, the carbon emissions continue to go down.
Bioheat® fuel provides many benefits for both homeowners and the environment. Bioheat® fuel is a safe, clean burning alternative that provides superior performance compared to conventional heating oil. Bioheat® fuel benefits the planet by reducing emissions & greenhouse gases. Bioheat® fuel supports energy diversity and helps the U.S. economy.
Yes, any home heating system that uses conventional heating oil can use Bioheat® fuel. Extensive testing has been done to assure the safe, reliable operation of Bioheat® fuel in all types of liquid fuel powered heating and hot water systems.
Bioheat® fuel emits up to 80% less carbon dioxide than petroleum-based heating oil. Carbon dioxide is widely believed to be the main contributor to climate change. Reducing the carbon dioxide output of heating systems is vital in decreasing this impact.
No, biodiesel has no impact on either food supply or pricing. Biodiesel is made from various readily available either waste or by-products of existing food supply lines, including surplus plant oils and used cooking oils and does not rely upon growing crops specifically to produce it. For example, soy is widely used as animal feed—the oil is a surplus by-product and is used to produce biodiesel.
Yes, for years cold-flow additives have been used to treat Bioheat® fuel to improve its cold weather performance. If required, a low wattage electric heater can be used in the tank to assure
Yes, Bioheat® fuel and conventional heating oil are commonly blended. You can use your existing tank for Bioheat® fuel.
Although there are approximately 2% fewer BTUs in B20 Bioheat® fuel than standard heating oil, the advantages of greenhouse gas reduction and using a renewable, sustainable fuel are worth it.