Service Technicians Trained under NORA’s Professional Education Program
Liquid fuel fired appliances upgraded with NORA’s Efficiency Upgrade Program
40,850 tons
Based on 16,500 upgrades, tons of GHG emissions eliminated per year
2.8 million gallons
Based on 16,500 upgrades, gallons of fuel saved per year
517 million tons
GHG savings by using biodiesel in all
liquid fuel fired appliances
(CT, MA, ME, NY, NJ, PA, RI only by 2050)
NORA was authorized by Congress in 2000 to provide funding that enables the liquid fuel heating industry to provide more efficient, more reliable and lower carbon home heating and hot water to American Consumers.
NORA mission is centered around these primary directives:
Research & Development, Carbon Reduction, Energy Efficiency, Professional Education and Consumer Education
Research & Development & Carbon Reduction
NORA’s Research & Development initiatives have resulted in consumer products that are efficient, environmentally friendly, help secure lower consumer costs and reduce carbon emissions. NORA’s aggressive efforts into the development of renewable, environmentally friendly Zero-Carbon products has resulted in Bioheat® fuel, America’s most efficient and direct path to eliminating carbon emissions from homes. Working in concert with the agriculture industry, fuel suppliers, heating systems manufacturers and fuel retailers NORA, has been a leader in reducing carbon emissions quickly, economically and responsibly. Additionally, NORA funding has helped consumers transition their homes to highly efficient boilers and furnaces and replace and upgrade their fuel storage.
Energy Efficiency
Through an aggressive NORA upgrade program, thousands of homeowners have been able to upgrade their liquid fuel-fired heating system to the most efficient available. For the 16,500 completed upgrades, the total savings after one year was 2,812,303 gallons of fuel, $13,770,00* in fuel costs, and 40,850 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Over 25 years, that equates to 70,307,580 fewer gallons, $391,389,079* less in fuel costs and a reduction of CO2 emissions of 1,021,228 tons.
*Based on average fuel price of $4.90 NYSERDA NY state average 1/23/2023
Professional Education
Professional education, through NORA’s Technician Certification Program, provides continuing education, training and certification for liquid fuel service technicians. NORA’s technical education initiatives include online and in-person training at State Association schools as well as numerous technical high schools and community colleges. A well-trained service workforce ensures consumers have properly trained personnel to install and maintain heating systems for high efficiency, cleanliness and safety.
Consumer Education
Through its consumer education programs, NORA shows consumers that liquid fuel heating is clean, safe, efficient and modern. Much of this education effort is focused on transitioning the industry to renewable fuels that have a low carbon score based upon U.S. EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard.