
Welcome the NORA collections page. This page is for retail and wholesale companies responsible for reporting and remitting a fee of $0.002 per gallon of heating oil, qualified Bioheat® and kerosene product that is consumed for heating purposes within the member states of the National Oilheat Research Alliance.

Filing of reports and submittal of NORA assessment monies is mandatory required by Public Law 106-469, the National Oilheat Research Alliance Act of 2000, as amended by Public Law No: 113-79, 2014, February 2014, and further amended in 2018, and extended until February 6, 2029.


The filing 782A, B, and C reports can be saved/downloaded in PDF format, completed on your computer and then auto-submitted to NORA.  

Or submit directly to

Please see more instructions with each form.

Form NORA-782A Retail Refund Schedule

Purpose: This report is submitted to obtain refunds of the Oilheat fees paid to wholesalers for sale to consumers for exempt purposes or for sales that had the fee imposed that are exported to non-covered states.

Who Must Submit: Only retailers who need to obtain a refund for all purchases of fuel made after April 1, 2014. If all of the retail sales of dyed fuel are for heating purposes, no report is necessary.

Instructions for Retail Refund Request – NORA-782A
Download Form 782A Retail Refund Schedule

Form NORA-782B Fee Remittance Schedule

Purpose: Use this report to remit the Oilheat research assessment fees on sales to consumers in participating states which do not have the supplier collection system. Those states are Indiana, Nevada, and Washington.
Who Must Report: Only retailers who sell to commercial or residential heating consumers need to file. If all of the retail sales of #2 dyed fuel are for non-heating purposes, no report is necessary If the importer of record into the U.S. is not a prime supplier listed on the exclusionary list, that person (importer) must submit the report and fees directly on all sales which would be reported by a prime supplier. If a retailer purchases low sulfur diesel fuel from a prime supplier without the fee, but sells the products as low sulfur heating fuel oil, the retailer must report and pay the fees upon his oil heating sales on Form 782B.

Instructions for Fee Remittance Schedule- NORA-782B for IN, NV, and WA
Download Form 782B Fee Remittance Schedule for IN, NV, and WA

Form NORA-782C Wholesaler Sales of Oilheat

Purpose: This report is submitted to remit the fees collected on Oilheat sales sold to non-wholesalers (parties who are not on the NORA Exclusionary List) for use in the participating states.

Who must submit: All wholesalers who are identified on NORA’s Exclusionary List must report, if they transfer product or otherwise sell covered products in any NORA covered state.

Instructions for
Wholesaler Sales of Oilheat – NORA-782C
Download Form 782C Wholesaler Supplier Quarterly Report