DAY: 4 Appliances



John Huber

Dr. Moritz Bellingen
Eurofuel Association

Heating Equipment in the US:
Responding & Adapting to Low-Carbon Fuels

Dr. Thomas A. Butcher, NORA
Mario Bouchard, OMA, Granby Industries
Alan Chmiel, R.W. Beckett Corp.
Jim Jones, Carlin Combustion Technology


Big Benefits From Modernizing Home Heating Equipment

Dr. Thomas A. Butcher

NORA has been providing subsidies to encourage the transition of older equipment to be replaced with modern/highly efficient equipment. For many years, NORA has argued that the efficiency labeling used in the U.S. does not capture the actual savings from modernizing equipment. Tom has analyzed the data set from these subsidized conversions and will provide a more accurate view of how much fuel is saved when equipment is replaced.


Heating Equipment in Europe:
Standards, Innovation & Replacement Cycles


Federica Sabati,


Heating Equipment in Europe:
Standards, Innovation & Replacement Cycles

Guido Saenen, Riello
Federica Sabati, EHI
Jerome Lamey, Suntec
Dr. Norbert Azuma-Dicke, Viessmann Group
Raphael Lang, Bosch Buderus

Giuliano Conticini, Ariston Thermo Group

Domestic Heating and Hot Water in the U.S.:
Game Changers

Roger Marran
Energy Kinetics
In the U. S., a high percentage of homes heat their domestic hot water with a tankless coil. These have been shown by NORA to be less efficient than indirect water heating. They remain popular because of low-costs and a small footprint. Under a grant from NORA, Energy Kinetics addressed how to make a “tankless coil” efficient while having an acceptable market price.

Proper venting, while not wasting energy up the flue,is a challenge. Energy Kinetics has developed a dilution venting system which avoids condensation and high stack temperatures as a method to improve the efficiency of a standard operating system.

Integrating Heating Equipment:
Solar & Liquid Fuels Working Together

Christian Halper

The effort to integrate and improve the carbon score of equipment cannot be complete without discussion of solar, the source of all energy. Mr. Halper of IWO will describe their efforts to integrate solar and traditional equipment, thus capturing the free energy of the sun, and lowering the liquid fuel energy requirements of the home.

EU Field tests

Gunther Köb


Wrap-up: Day 4

John Huber