ORA PRIME SUPPLIER (Exclusionary List)
If your company is on this list, you are required to collect $0.002 per gallon of oilheat fuel on sales to all suppliers or resellers not on the Exclusionary list.
See NORA’s Collections Page for complete definitions and details. For deletions from list and recent additions, scroll to bottom of page.
(All additions are also in body of alpha list.)
Direct inquiries to [email protected]
A. R. Fuels, Inc., Brooklyn, NY
Abbott Oil Company (added October 10, 2008)
Aectra Refining & Marketing
Aegean Bunkering (added November 5, 2015)
AIC Ltd, Bermuda
AIG Trading
AIR BP (BP North America Pet.)
Alon USA
Alliance Energy LLC. (Effective October 1, 2018)
Amerada Hess
American AGIP Company
American Refining Group
Amerigas Propane (AP Propane)
Amoco Canada Marketing (BP Canada Energy Marketing)
Andrews Petroleum
AP Propane (Amerigas)
Apex Oil Company, Inc.
Apis Point Energy
Approved Oil Co of Brooklyn Inc
Arco (Atlantic Richfield)
Arco Oil & Gas (BP Amoco)
Arrow Gas and Oil (Added 7/9/2014)
Ashland Oil
Astra Oil
Atlantic Ref. & Mktg. (Sun)
Atlantic Richfield
Atlantic Trading & Marketing, Inc.
Atlas Oil Company (Added 4/4/2014)
Atofina Petro
Axel Johnson & Company
B & R Oil Company (Added 4/11/14)
Bandy’s Inc., Lookout, WV.
Barclays Capital Energy Inc., NY
Basis Petroleum (Valero R&M)
Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp., Brooklyn, NY
Bayway Refining (Tosco Corp.)
Bear Stearns
Bell Fuels
Benchmark Biodiesel (Added July 7, 2016)
Berry Petroleum
BHP Petroleum & Marketing
BHP Petroleum Americas
Big West Oil
Blue Ribbon Energy
Boc Oil (South Carolina)
BP Amoco
BP Canada Energy Marketing
BP North America Petroleum
BP Oil
BP Products North America, Inc
Brabham Oil (10/7/2015)
Brad Hall & Associates (Added 3/14/2014)
Bradford Oil
BTG Pactual Commodities, (US) LLC (1//12/2015)
Buchanan Oil, Abingdon, Va (Added 3/28/2014)
Buckeye Refining (Kinder Morgan Transmix Co.)
Buckeye Energy Services
Buckeye Energy Services LLC
Bulk Petroleum Corp., Mequon, WI
Bunker One (Added February 10, 2020)
Burke Oil, Quincy, MA (Added 3/25/2014)
Burlington Resources Hydrocarbons
Byrnes Oil
C. Itoh & Co.
C.H. Sprague and Son
C.N. Brown
Calcasieu Refining
Calotex Delaware (Carl King)
Caltex Trading
Calumet Lubricants
Cantera Resources
Capital Marine Supply
Carbo Industries Inc., Lawrence, NY
Caribbean Petroleum
Caribou Marine Services
Carl King
Carroll Independent Fuel/High’s of Baltimore, LLC
Castle Coal Oil (Castle Oil)
Castle Oil
Castle Supply
Castleton Commodities Merchant Trading LP (CCMT) (Effective January 1, 2018)
Catamount Petroleum
Cenex (Cenex Harvest States)
Cenex Harvest States
Centana Energy
Center Oil (G.P. & W)
Century Chartering (Clarendon Marketing)
Champion Energy Corp., Greenwich, CT
Champlain Oil Company
Champlin Refining & Chemical (Citgo Ref. & Chem.)
Chevron USA
Chevron Marine Products (Added march 18, 2014)
Cibro Petroleum
Circle K Corporation (Tosco Marketing)
Citgo Asphalt Refining
Citgo Petroleum
Citizens Resources LLC (added 3/31/2014)
Clarendon Marketing (Glencore)
Clark Oil & Refining (Premcor Refining Group)
Clark Oil Trading
Clark Refg & Marketing (Premcor Refining Group)
CNG Transmission
Coast Energy (Cornerstone Propane)
Coast Gas (Cornerstone Propane)
Coastal Fuels Marketing
Coastal Markets Limited
Coastal Mart
Coastal Oil New England
Coastal Oil New York
Coastal Refining & Marketing (Global)
Coastal States Trading
Cold Brook Energy, Inc., Bangor, ME
Cold Spring Fish & Supply Co.
Colonial Oil Industries, Inc.
Colonial Fuel and Lubricant Services, Inc.
Columbia Hydrocarbons (Columbia Propane)
Columbia Propane
Commander Oil Corporation, Oyster Bay, NY
Commander Terminals
Commonwealth Propane
Connective Energy (Petron Oil)
Conservative Gas
Continental Ozark (Transmontaigne)
Continental Refining Company (Effective January 31, 2022)
Cornerstone Propane
Country Energy LLC (Cenex Harvest States, Farmland)
Countrymark Refining and Logistics, LLC (Countrymark Cooperative LLP )
Cross Oil & Refining
Crown Central Petroleum
Crushed Products, Inc.
Crysen Refining (Inland Refining)
CST Canada Co. Added 2/14/2014
Cumberland Farms
Custom Energy
Custom Refining
Dairy Mart (Remote Services)
Danco Industries, Inc
Daylight Plastics
De Menno/Kerdoon
Delphi Petroleum, Inc., Shrewsbury, NJ
Dennis K. Burke in Chelsea
Diamond Industries (L. Dreyfus Energy Heating Oil)
Diamond Shamrock Refining (Ultramar Diamond Shamrock)
Diesel Direct
Diesel Direct Mid-Atlantic, Inc. (Added 7/25/2018)
Dime Oil Company (Added 3/28/2014)
Dockside Repairs Inc., New Bedford, MA
Dooley’s Petroleum (Added 4/23/2021)
Dilmar Oil Co, Inc., SC
Dominion Energy Services ((Added 7/9/2014)
Dominion Energy Fuel Services (Added 2/11/2019)
Double Aught Lumber Inc
Double Circle Farm Supply
Dubach Gas
Duck Island Terminals, Trenton, NJ
Duke Energy
Duke Energy Merchants
Duke Energy NGL Services (Centana)
Dynegy Liquids
Dyno Nobel Inc., Lexington, KY
Eastern Petroleum Corp
Electro Peru
Elf Aquitaine
Empire Energy (Cornerstone Propane)
Empire Gas (Star Gas)
Empressa National Del Petrol
Emro Propane (Marathon)
Energy Merchants, LLC
Englefield Inc., Heath, OH
Enmark Stations
Enogex Products
Enron Gas Liquids
Enron Oil Trad. & Trans. (EOTT)
Enserch Processing (Cantera Resources)
Enterprise Products
EOTT Energy (Enron Oil T&T)
Equilon Enterprises
Equinor (Added 1/8/2019)
Ergon Marine & Industrial Supply
Ergon Refining
Ergon West Virginia
ERK Energy
Esso Eastern, Guam Branch
Exxon Corporation
ExxonMobil Oil Corporation
Farm & Home Oil Co., Telford, PA
Farmland Industries
Fast Fare (Crown Central)
Fauser Oil Co., Inc., Elgin, IA
Fina Oil & Chemical
First Energy Corporation, Richmond, VA
Fleet Supplies, Inc.
Fletcher & Assoc., Ltd., Enosburg Falls, VT
Flint Hills
Flying J
Foremost Petroleum (Champlin Ref. & Chem.)
Freepoint Commodities (Added 10/10/2014)
Freepoint Commodities Trading and Marketing LLC (Added 9/11/2018)
Frontier Oil & Refining
Fuel & Marine Marketing (Texaco, Chevron)
Fuel Masters (Added 3/24/2020)
Fuel Trader Supply, (Added 9/11/2014)
Galaxy Energy
Galilee Fuel Services, Inc.
Gary-Williams Energy
Gas Marketing
Gas Supply (Mapco Petroleum)
Gatx Product Services
Geo Gas
George E. Warren
Getty Petroleum Marketing
Giant Industries
Giant Yorktown
Gladieux Trading & Marketing
Glencore Limited (Clarendon)
Global Companies
Global Partners LP (Global Companies)
Grade A Petroleum Corp.
Griffith Energy Services, Inc.
Griffith Energy, Rochester, NY
Gulf Oil (Cumberland Farms)
Gulf Oil Limited Partnership
Gulfstream Trading
Gunvor USA LLC (Added Effective 10/1/2018)
Guttman Energy, Inc Belle Vernon, PA
Harbor Petroleum, Naugatuck, CT
Hartley Marine Corp.
Hartney Fuel Oil Company, Forest View, IL
Hartree Parnters LP (Effective June 24, 2016, formerly Hess)
Heating Oil Partners
Hendley Enterprises (dba Brewer Hendley Oil Co) (Effective
Hendley Enterprises (dba Brewer Hendley Oil Co) (Effective March 14, 2014) March 14, 2014)
Hess Energy Trading (Amerada Hess)
Hessick (Griffith Consumers)
Highland’s Fuel Delivery, LLC, DBA Irving Energy (added 3/21/2014)
Hightowers Petroleum, Franklin, OH
Highway Oil
Holly Frontier (Added 8/1/2014)
HOP Energy
Howell Hydrocarbons & Chem. (Specified Fuels & Chem)
Huguenot Fuels, Inc (Added 3/31/2014)
Hunt Oil
Hunt Refining
Husky Marketing and Supply Company
ICBC Standard Bank Plc (added June 7, 2019)
Idemitsu Apollo
Imperial Oil (Exxon)
Indiana Farm Bureau Coop Assn. (Countrymark Co-op)
Indigo Energy Partners
Inergy Propane, LLC
Inergy Sales and Service, Inc. (added March 18, 2009)
Inland Fuel Terminals Inc., Bridgeport, CT
Inland Refining
International Aviation Sales (Texaco)
IPC (USA), Inc. (Added 9/19/2014)
Irving Oil
Itochu International
J. Aron & Co.
James River Petroleum (Added 7/9/2014)
Japanese Trading (Nissho-Iwai)
Jay Fulltrund & Sons, Inc., PA
John W. Stone Oil Dist.
Johnson & Dix Fuel
Johnson Fuel Oil (Ultramar Energy)
J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation
JSC Terminal LLC (dba Midwest Terminal) (Added May 10, 2014)
Kentucky Oil & Refining Co. Inc., Betsy Layne, KY
Kenyon Oil (Warren Equities)
Kern Oil & Refining Co., Bakersfield, CA
Kinder Morgan Transmix Co.
Kinetic USA (Pan Canadian)
Koch Hydrocarbon
Koch Industries
Koch Midstream Processing
Koch Petro Group
Koch Refining
Koch Supply & Trading, LP
Kolmar Americas, Inc. (May 14, 2014)
Krystal Gas
Kwik Trip, Inc.
La Gloria Oil & Gas
Lakeside Refining
Laketon Refining
Larmag Energy (Scanoil)
LE Belcher, Inc., Springfield, MA
Leffert’s Oil Terminal Inc., Flushing, NY
Lehman Brothers
LIG Liquids
Lincoln Oil Company, Inc. (added 4/23/14)
Lion Oil
Little America (Sinclair)
Louis Dreyfus Energy (Heating Oil Partners)
Loveland Gas Processing (Magpie Operating)
Lukoil Pan Americas, LLC
Lunday Thagard
Lund’s Fisheries
Lykins Oil (Cobalt Petroleum), OH
Lyondell Citgo Refining
Lyondell Petrochemical
Mabanaft Energy Trading, Inc.
MacIntyre Fuels (Ultramar Energy)
Magpie Operating
Mansfield Oil Co., Gainesville, GA
Mapco Alaska Petroleum (Williams Energy Services)
Mapco Express (Williams Express)
Mapco Petroleum (Williams Energy Services)
Marathon Petroleum Company LLC
Marathon Oil
Markwest Hydrocarbon Partners
Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.
Martin Gas
Martin Oil Corporation, Woodridge, IL
Maverick Country Stores
Mercuria Energy America, Inc. (Eff. 1/13/10), formerly Mercuria Energy Trading
Mercury Air
Meridian Oil Hydrocarbons (Burlington Resources Hydrocarbons)
MERS, Inc. DBA Economy Boat, Memphis, TN
Metro Fuel Oil Corp
Metro Terminals Corporation, Brooklyn, NY
Metroplex Energy, Inc. (Eff. 11/22/17)
Mid America Fuels, Inc. in South Point, OH
Midway Oil
Mieco (Marubeni)
Minerva Bunkering, LLC (Effective October 26, 2020)
Mipco (Marubeni)
Mirabito Holdings, Inc. (added 3/28/2014)
Mitchell Gas Services
Mobil Oil
Mobil Oil Guam
Mock Energy Services (Conoco)
Mohawk Home Comfort Services (Eff 10/1/2009)
Monroe Energy LLC (Eff 2/3/2025)
Montana Refining
Montello Corporation
Montour Home Comfort Services (Eff 10/1/2009)
Morgan Stanley Capital Group
Motiva Enterprises
Murphy Oil
Musket Corporation, Oklahoma City, OK
Naftomar Shipping & Trading
Naser Oil Company
National Co-op Refinery
National Propane
Natural Gas Clearinghouse (NGC)
Naughton Energy
Naughton Energy
Navajo Refining
NCRA (National Coop Ref. Assoc.)
NEPD (New England Petroleum Dist.)
Neste US, Inc.
New England Petroleum (Gulf Oil)
Next Petroleum (effective 9/1/2005)
NGC Corporation
NGC Energy (NGC Corporation)
NGL Crude Logistics LLC (Effective January 1, 2018)
NGL Supply
NIC Holding Corp. (Northville), Melville, NY
Nissho-Iwai America
Noram Energy
Northeast Petroleum (Cargill)
Northridge Petroleum Marketing (Duke Energy Merchants)
Novacor Chemicals, Canada
Oakley Fuels, Inc. (Added 12/19/2014)
Ohio Valley Marine Services, Inc. – also DBA Branco., Inc.
On-Site Fuel Service, Inc.
Oryx Energy
Osage, Inc. (added 8/30/2019)
P S Energy Group (Added 5/8/2014)
Pacific Northern Oil
Paducah River Fuel Services, Inc.
Pan Canadian Gas Prod.
Papco, Inc.
Parker & Parsley Gas Proc.
Parker Oil Company, Inc.
Parnon Energy, Inc.
Paulson Oil, IN
PBF Holding Company, LLC (Added 3/25/2014)
Pemex (PMI Trading)
Peninsula Oil
Penn Trading (Marubeni)
Pennzoil Company (Pennzoil-Quaker State)
Pennzoil-Quaker State
Perry R. Bass
Petro Diamond
Petro Mktg. (Warren Equities)
Petro Norcan
Petro Peru
Petro Source (Foreland)
Petro Source Ref. Partners (Foreland)
Petro Star Valdez Refinery
Petrocom Energy Group, Houston, TX
Petrolane Gas Service
Petroleum Products, LLC, WV
Petroleum Supply
Petroleum Traders, Fort Wayne, IN
PG&E NGL Marketing
Phibro Energy (Basis Petroleum)
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phillips 66 Company (Added March 18, 2014)
Phoenix Petroleum Co.
Phoenix Petroleum Co., Wayne, PA
Pilot Oil
Pilot Travel Centers
Pipeline Petroleum Inc., Macungie, PA
Placid Oil
Plains Marketing, L.P., Houston, TX
Plaza Fueling Agents
Plaza Marine
PMI Trading (PEMEX)
Portland Heating Oil Company., Philadelphia, PA
Ports Petroleum, Wooster, OH
PPL Energy Plus Retail (Added 3/24/2014) Edit, Name Change to United Energy Plus Terminals
Premcor Refining Group
Pride Refining
PRSI Trading Company LP
Pruet Production
Punderson Oil (Ultramar Energy)
Puritan Oil (Warren Equities)
Pyramid LLC (September 1, 2015)
Quarles Petroleum Inc., VA
Quick Trip
QT Fuels (Added June 1, 2019)
R & W Oil Products, Mckeesport, PA
Rad Oil Company
Reco Petroleum (Getty Oil)
Refinery Holding Co. (El Paso)
REG Energy Services, LLC (Added 3/31/2014)
REG Marketing and Logistics, LLC (Effective July 1, 2018)
Reliant Energy Field Services (NORAM)
Remote Services
Renewable Fuels by Peterson
Richardson Products
Richland Partners, Richland, PA
Rintronas Bakery
Rio Energy International
River Fleets Inc.
RKA Petroleum Companies, Inc. RKA Petroleum, LLC
RL Vallee (Ultramar Energy)
Roberts Energy (Added 1/20/2020)
Rolympus U.S. Commodities Group (Added 4/1/16)
RW Earhart, Troy Ohio, (Added 3/21/2014)
R.T. Rogers Oil Co., Inc. (added 1/26/2017)
S & S Hartwell
S.B. Collins
Sack Energy
San Joaquin Refining
Saracen Energy Partners LP
Scan Oil (Larmag Energy)
Sea Fuels Marine Services, New Bedford, MA
Sears Oil
SemFuel, L.P., Green Bay, WI
Senesac Inc., Ambia, IN
Shell Chemical
Shell Co. Puerto Rico
Shell Oil
Shell Trading (US) Company
ShipleyEnergy (Added 5/8/2014)
Shipley Fuels Marketing (Added 1/28/2015)
Simons Petroleum, LLC., OK
Sinclair Oil
Singer Holding Corporation
Sitco (Shell Oil)
SMO, Inc. (Added 2/4/2015)
Snyder Bros., Inc. (Added 10/4/2016)
Societe Generale Energies (Elf Aquitaine)
Sohio (BP Oil)
Sound Refining
Southeast Biodiesel (Added 7/14/2014)
Southland Oil
Southwest Oil Exchange
Sprague Operating Resources LLC (C.H. Sprague)
Springfield Terminals Inc., Springfield, MA
Spruce Oil (Continental Ozark)
Ssangyong Oil Refining (Sunkyong)
St. Mary’s Refining (Go-Mart)
St. Paul Park Refining Co. LLC (Added 4/9/2014)
Standard Oil (BP Oil)
Star Enterprise
Statoil Marketing and Trading
Steuart Petroleum (Aectra)
Stinnes Interoil USA (Vera)
Stratus Petro. (Louis Dreyfus)
Striker (Ultramar Energy)
Stuyvesant Fuel Service Corp., Bronx, NY
Suburban Heating Oil Partners LLC
Suburban Heating Oil Partners, LLC
Suburban Propane Gas (Suburban Propane Partners)
Suburban Propane Partners
Sun Company
Sunbelt Refining
Sun Coast Resources, Inc (Effective December 19, 2007)
Sunkyong Oil Refining (Ssangyong)
Sunoco (Sun Oil)
Sunoco Inc. (R&M)
Sunoco LLC (Effective July 10, 2014)
Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP (Effective July 10, 2014)
Sunoco Home Comfort Services (Eff 10/1/2009)
Super America (Ashland)
Superior Plus Energy Services (Eff. 10/1/2009)
Sweet & Burt (Ultramar Energy)
Synergy (Cornerstone Propane)
Talley Petroleum (Added August 28, 2017)
TA Operating Corp. dba Travelcenters of America, Westlake, OH
Tank Lines, Inc. dba Papco, Virginia Beach, VA
Tartan Oil (added July 6, 2023)
Tauber Oil
Tax Air (Truman Arnold)
Tesoro Hawaii
Tesoro Petroleum
Texaco Caribbean, Inc. U.S. VI
Texaco Exploration & Production
Texpar Energy
Texport Oil
The Boswell Oil Company, Cincinnati, OH
The Circle K Corporation (Tosco Marketing)
Thermogas (Ferrelgas)
Thrifty Oil (Arco)
Time Oil
Tomen Pacific
Tonkawa Oil & Gas Processing (Koch Midstream Processing)
Tosco Corporation
Tosco Marketing Company (Tosco Corporation)
Tosco Northwest (Tosco Corporation)
Tosco Refining (Tosco Corporation)
Toscopetro (Tosco Corporation)
Total Energy Solutions LLC, Portsmouth, NH
Total Petroleum (Ultramar Diamond Shamrock)
Totalfina Elf
TR Trading
Trade Oil Company
Trafigura Trading LLC
Trammo Petroleum
Transmarketing of Houston
Transmessis Columbia Plateau (Added 6/13/2014)
Transmontaigne Oil
Transmontaigne Product Services
Trident NGL
True Oil
Truman Arnold
TAC Energy
Twin Pines Fuels, LLC, Aston, PA
U.S. Oil & Refining
UDS (Ultramar Diamond Shamrock)
Ultramar (Ultramar Diamond Shamrock)
Ultramar Diamond Shamrock
Ultramar Energy
Union Oil Company of California, d.b.a. Unocal
Union Pacific Resources
Union Texas Petroleum (Western Gas Resources)
United Energy Plus Terminals, (formerly PPL Energy Plus Retail)
United Metro Energy (Added 3/28/2014)
United Refining
Uno-Ven (Citgo)
Upham Oil & Gas
U.S. Venture, Inc. DBA U.S. Oil Added 3/11/2014
Valero Energy (PG&E NGL)
Valero Marketing & Supply Co.
Vangas (Suburban Propane)
Vanguard Energy
Veba Oil Supply & Trading
Vessel Services Inc., Portland, ME
Virginia Power Services Energy Corp (Added 2/11/19)
Vitol Inc.
Volta Oil (Added February 21, 2018)
Wanda Petroleum (Enterprise Prod. Company)
Warren Equities
Warren Oil (Warren Equities)
Warren Petroleum (Chevron)
Waskom Gas Proc
Waterbury-Felt Inc.
West Vernon Petroleum Corp., Mount Vernon, NY
West Vernon Energy Corp, (Added 5/2120,2014)
Western Gas Resources
Western Petroleum Company
Western Petroleum LLC (Added 5/14/2014)
Westmore Fuel, Greenwich, CT
Westport Petroleum, Inc. Pasadena, CA
Williams Energy Services (Williams Express)
Williams Energy Ventures
Williams Express
Williams Field Service (Northwest Pipeline)
Williams Refining & Marketing, LLC, Albany, NY
Woodford Oil (WV, PA, MD, KY, OH, Va) (Effective March 26, 2019)
Wooten River Service and Supply
World Fuel Services, Inc.
Wyoming Refining
York River Fuels, Tempe, AZ (Added 3/22/2014)
Young & McQueen Grading Company Inc.,
Young Refining
Quaker State (Ergon) (January 20, 2022)
Southern States Coop. (January 25, 2020)
Aegean Bunkering (October 26, 2020, succeeded by Minerva Bunkering, LLC.)
Southern Maryland Oil, Inc (October 20, 2020)
PES Inventory Company, LLC (December 11, 2019)
Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refining and Marketing LLC (November 4, 2019)
Vitol Americas Corporation (December 6, 2018)
Vitol Petol, Inc. (December 6, 2018)
Warex Petro (Warren Equities)October 4, 2018
Warex Terml. (Warren Equities)October 4, 2018
Drake Petro (Warren Equities) October 4, 2018
ISO Bunkers LLC, Norfolk, VA, April 12, 2017
Petroleum Products Co., Harrisburg, PA (September 2, 2015)
NuStar Marketing LCC- San Antonio, TXNuStar Marketing LCC- San Antonio, TX (7/24/15)
O.W. Bunker North America (1/1/15)
Alexa Energy (October 14, 2014)
The Sico Co. – 4/7/04 Buckley Energy Group – 2/21/01
Columbia Petroleum Corporation d/b/a Carlos R Leffler, Inc., Richland, PA – 2/1/06
Fred M. Schildwachter & Sons, Inc. – 2/26/01
Petro Star – 2/28/01
Unocal, R&M Division – 3/7/01
F.C. Haab – 4/20/01
Eildon Associates LLP – 9/1/01
Devine Bros. – Norwalk Terminal – 9/1/01
Saratoga Rack Marketing 5/1/2023
Meenan Oil Co. LP – 11/1/01
Star Gas 3/8/04
Sempra Energy Trading LLC., Stamford, CT 10/30/2013
A. R. Sandri (4/1/2014)
Somerset Oil (4/25/2014)
Agway Energy (7/14/2014)
M.J.T Enterprises INC (Cape Cod Oil Co.)- MA (11/25/2014)
Apis Point Energy (3/11/2025)
Monroe Energy LLC (Eff 2/3/2025)
Tartan Oil (July 6, 2023
Continental Refining Company (Effective January 31, 2022)
Dooley’s Petroleum (Added 4/23/2021)
Roberts Energy (Added 1/20/2020)
Minerva Bunkering, LLC (October 26, 2020), formerly Aegean Bunkering
Fuel Masters (Added 3/24/2020)
Bunker One (Added February 10, 2020)
Saratoga Rack Marketing (Added 1/1/2020)
Osage, Inc. (added 8/30/2019)
ICBC Standard Bank Plc (added June 7, 2019)
QT Fuels (Added June 1, 2019)
Woodford Oil (WV, PA, MD, KY, OH, Va) (Effective March 26, 2019)
Virginia Power Services Energy Corp (Added 2/11/19)
Dominion Energy Fuel Services (Added 2/11/2019)
Equinor (Added 1/8/2019)
Gunvor USA LLC (Effective Date October 1, 2018)
Vitol Inc. (Effective December 6, 2018)
Alliance Energy LLC (Effective October 1, 2018)
Freepoint Commodities Trding and Marketing LLC (Added 9/11/2018)
Diesel Direct Mid-Atlantic, Inc. (Added 7/25/2018)
REG Marketing and Logistics, LLC (Effective July 1, 2018)
Volta Oil (Added February 21, 2018)
Castleton Commodities Merchant Trading LP (CCMT), (Effective January 1, 2018)
NGL Crude Logistics LLC (Effective January 1, 2018)
Metroplex Energy, Inc. (Eff. 11/22/17)
Talley Petroleum (Added August 28, 2017)
R.T. Rogers Oil Co., Inc.(Added 1/27/17)
Snyder Bros., Inc. (Added 10/4/2016)
Benchmark Biodiesel (Added July 7, 2016)
Hartree Parnters LP (Effective June 24, 2016, formerly Hess)
Rolympus U.S. Commodities Group (4/1/2016)
Aegean Bunkering (11/5/2015)
Brabham Oil (10/7/2015)
Pyramid LLC (September 1, 2015)
Lincoln Oil Company, Inc. (added 4/23/14)
U.S. Venture, Inc. DBA U.S. Oil Added 3/11/2014
Colonial Fuel and Lubricant Services, Inc., Savannah, New March 11, 2014
CST Canada Co. Added 3/11/2014
Brad Hall & Associates (Added 3/14/2014)
Phillips 66 Company (Added March 18, 2014)
Carroll Independent Fuel/High’s of Baltimore, LLC
Chevron Marine Products (Added march 18, 2014)
York River Fuels, Tempe, AZ (Added 3/22/2014)
RW Earhart, Troy Ohio, (Added 3/21/2014)
Highland’s Fuel Delivery, LLC, DBA Irving Energy (added 3/21/2014)
Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refining and Marketing LLC (added 3/21/2014)
PPL Energy Plus Retail (Added 3/24/2014)
Burke Oil, Quincy, MA (Added 3/25/2014)
PBF Holding Company, LLC (Added 3/25/2014)
Mirabito Holdings, Inc. (added 3/28/2014)
Dime Oil Company (Added 3/28/2014)
Buchanan Oil, Abingdon, Va (Added 3/28/2014)
United Metro Energy (Added 3/28/2014)
Citizens Resources LLC (added 3/31/2014)
REG Energy Services, LLC (Added 3/31/2014)
Huguenot Fuels, Inc (Added 3/31/2014)
Southern Maryland Oil, Inc (Added 4/4/2014)
Atlas Oil Company (Added 4/4/2014)
St. Paul Park Refining Co. LLC (Added 4/9/2014)
Sack Energy (4/9/2014)
B & R Oil Company (Added 4/11/14)
Hendley Enterprises (dba Brewer Hendley Oil Co) (Effective March 14, 2014)
Continental Refining (4/25/2014)
Byrnes Oil
Indigo Energy Partners
Approved Oil Co of Brooklyn Inc (4/29/14)
ShipleyEnergy (Added 5/8/2014)
P S Energy Group (Added 5/8/2014)
JSC Terminal LLC (dba Midwest Terminal) (Added May 10, 2014)
Kolmar Americas, Inc. (May 14, 2014)
Western Petroleum LLC (Added 5/14/2014)
West Vernon Energy Corp, (Added 5/2120,2014)
O.W. Bunker North America (Added 6/13/2014)
Transmessis Columbia Plateau (Added 6/13/2014)
James River Petroleum (Added 7/9/2014)
Dominion Reources Services ((Added 7/9/2014)
Arrow Gas and Oil (Added 7/9/2014)
Sunoco LLC (Effective July 10, 2014)
Sunoco Partners Marketing & Terminals LP (Effective July 10, 2014)
Southeast Biodiesel (Added 7/14/2014)
Holly Frontier (Added 8/1/2014)
Fuel Trader Supply, (Added 9/119/2014)
IPC (USA), Inc. (Added 9/19/2014)
PES Inventory Company, LLC (Added 10/1/2014)
Freepoint Commodities (Added 10/10/2014)
Oakley Fuels, Inc. (Added 12/19/2014)
BTG Pactual Commodities, (US) LLC (1//12/2015)
Shipley Fuels Marketing (Added 1/28/2015)
SMO, Inc. (Added 2/4/2015)