DAY: 2 Regulatory



John Huber

Dr. Moritz Bellingen
Eurofuel Association

Biofuels: Can they answer our market

Paul Nazzaro
Nazarro Group  
Paul currently serves as the primary interface between the biofuels industry and the petroleum industry. He has been focused on bringing biodiesel into the heating oil market for nearly 20 years. Paul will highlight the challenges of working with a fuel with slightly different properties. He will address what steps need to be taken to handle biodiesel and the logistical changes that are occurring so it can enter the market.

Boundry Conditions:
Restrictions in the EU

Willem Voets
Changing from a petroleum system to a system fueled with liquid fuels is not as easy as turning a switch or changing suppliers. There are many regulatory hurdles that must be crossed prior to introducing a new fuel. Willem will describe the regulatory impediments now in place and the steps being taken to overcome them.


Biofuels for Heating:
Which government policies will work

Michael Trunzo
Director of Government Affairs
Shenker, Russo & Clark LLP
During the founding of the United States, the states were described as laboratories where different policies could be tried. As such, that is where most of the pollicies for carbon reduction reside. Michael will describe several of those major policies that are either enacted by the states or are under active consideration, and how the industry is responding to them.


Incentives for Low Carbon Fuels:
Taxation & other tools in the EU

Florian Schäfer
Political Advisor
It is undisputed that low carbon fuels are needed to reach the ambitious climate targets. An important trigger to increase the market share of these fuels is law, which at the moment rather prevents an increased production and usage. Florian will describe the current policy framework on low carbon fuels in the European Union and present Eurofuel’s recommendations for adapting the regulatory framework in order to create greater incentives for their production and usage.

Supplying Aviation:
Can biofuels do It?

Michael Devine
VP Sales & Business Development
World Energy

World Energy will describe their efforts to develop from biological feedstocks, a full-slate of products to replace petroleum sourced products. Aviation fuel from bio feedstocks has attracted much attention and World Energy will describe their work on this as well as and some of the other products that they are manufacturing for the ever-changing California market.


Wrap-up: Day 2

John Huber