NORA to Contribute to Exploring Biodiesel Seminar

XBX|Exploring Biodiesel series of seminars will continue August 21 at the New England Aquarium, Boston, MA.

This session, Navigating the Future, will center around the core questions that middle distillate supply chain participants must address to ensure a successful transition to low-carbon renewable biofuels, including:

  • Is the production of bio-based diesel fuels scalable to meet demand in existing and emerging markets while still being economically viable?
  • Is our infrastructure robust and reliable?
  • Are we effectively communicating our decarbonization story to the public?
  • What is the cost of inaction?

NORA, whose mission is to remove carbon emissions from home heating, will be represented on two panel discussions.

Nora’s president, Michael Devine, will be part of a panel discussion titled “Operational Integration, Getting Ready to Roll” about preparing customer-facing representatives to effectively communicate the benefits of low-carbon liquid fuels to end users and what, if any, operational transitions might be needed.

Dr. Jenny Frank, NORA Research Associate, will contribute to the panel discussion “Monetizing the Transition” which will examine the financial aspects of adopting advanced renewable fuels.

Registration and more detailed information for August 21 in Boston can be found here.

Additionally, XBX|Navigating the Future will host another seminar on October 15 in Lancaster, PA.

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