Biodiesel significantly reduces Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions compared to petroleum. The most comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date lifecycle analysis of U.S. biodiesel produced from soybean oil concludes that GHG emissions are reduced 66-72% relative to average U.S. petroleum while not trading off food-for-fuel nor destroying forests.
B20 to B100 Blends as Heating Fuels is the title of the newly released report from Brookhaven National Laboratory. The report has been compiled by Dr. Thomas A. Butcher and Rebecca Trojanowski at the Sustainable Energy Technologies Department/Energy Conversion Group of Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY.
The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) is pleased to announce that President Trump, on December 20, 2018, signed a ten-year extension for NORA allowing NORA activities to run uninterrupted for the first time ever.
John Huber
As a component of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (popularly known as the “Farm Bill”), NORA is authorized to extend its activities until February 6, 2029. This was a great victory for the industry, as all previous extensions were limited to five years. NORA president John Huber praised the efforts within the industry as well from other partners.
”NORA offers special thanks to the organizations and individuals in the heating oil industry that worked so hard and effectively to see this through. The Petroleum Marketers Association of America’s (PMMA) family of associations was particularly effective. We had strong support in the Senate from Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Patrick Leahy (VT), and Susan Collins (ME) who shepherded this through.
The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) recently hosted its Third Annual Technology Workshop in conjunction with the Southern New England Energy Conference on September 24th and 25th at the Newport Marriott, Newport, Rhode Island.
NORA’s Workshop highlighted the research work being done at the NORA lab, NORA sponsored projects, innovations underway in Europe and technology advances of companies in the industry.
With a theme of “finding the path forward” for the oilheat industry, the workshop showcased 15 speakers from the U.S. and Europe followed by a panel discussing where the industry sees immediate and long-term threats and which technologies and initiatives can address them.
Once again, the oilheating industry will gather in Newport, RI for a day of technical presentations and discussions as NORA hosts its 3rd Annual Technical Workshop on September 24th and 25th at the Newport Marriott, Newport, RI.
As it was last year, the Workshop will be held in conjunction with the Southern New England Energy Conference which is sponsored by the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association, the Oilheat Institute of Rhode Island and the Massachusetts Energy Marketers Association.
The Workshop will highlight the research work being done at the NORA lab, NORA’s sponsored projects, innovations underway in Europe and technology advances from companies within the oilheating industry.
The workshop will offer presentations in the following areas:
NORA will hold its Fall 2018 Board of Directors meeting on September 24, 2018 at the Newport Marriott in Newport, RI. Time: 12 Noon to 2 PM. The Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Southern New England Energy Conference.
The National Oilheat Research Alliance has released the latest update of its popularFuel Savings Analysis Calculator, a unique tool that accurately predicts the real fuel savings when upgrading an oilfired heating appliance. A technician or sales person can use the FSA to accurately compare predicted fuel use for an existing appliance against a number of new appliance options. The FSA goes beyond the often unreliable AFUE, as it takes into consideration advanced data from the appliance, building and location to show real savings potential. provides tens of thousands of oilheat technicians a source for online video courses, NORA certification and continuing education credentials and other valuable education resources. The site, launched in 2015, has been relaunched with an updated, faster and more user friendly design.
The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) held its second Oilheat Technical Workshop on September 18th -19th in Newport, RI. The workshop was held in partnership with the Southern New England Energy Conference. John Huber, NORA President, kicked-off the program describing the workshop’s goals as providing information on the progress of NORA R&D programs and to explore new ideas in an open forum. Continue reading →